
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cookie's Week – A Kid's Review

Review by Johnny Boo, age 4

 Cookie's Week
Author/illustrator: Cindy Ward/Tomie dePaola

Cookie's Week is about a cat named Cookie. Cookie is a cat that does silly things. On Monday he fell in the toilet. On Tuesday Cookie upset the trash can. On Wednesday Cookie ran into the closet before the door closed. On Thursday Cookie dressed up like a princess. On Friday Cookie went into the vanishing room. The vanishing room is where you sing songs. On Saturday Cookie climbed the curtains. There's no Sunday. I like this book because it's sweet and cute. My favorite part is when Cookie ran into the closet. I would recommend this book to kids who like days-of-the-week books.

Editor's note: This review was dictated from memory and therefore should not be considered 100 percent accurate. Oh, and sorry, girls, the princess thing? Never happened. And I'm not sure where the heck the idea of a vanishing room came from, but I want one.

Johnny Boo's cat, a chalk drawing inspired by I Can Draw Animals, by Ray Gibson:

And another cat, inspired by How to Draw a Sailing Cat and 99 Other Adventurous Things, by Joy Sikorski:

Tintin (7) felt a little left out, so here's his drawing:

We're linking up with Our Little Masterpieces at Welcome to Our Wonderland, The Book Lovers' Blog Hop at Story Time Under the Stars, Kids Get Crafty at Red Ted's Art Blog, stART at A Mommy's Adventures, and Read-Aloud Thursday at Hope Is the Word.


  1. We've been working on days of the week - I should go grab that one from the library - thanks for the reminder! Love that the review includes some poetic license when it comes to recalling the days' activities! I want a vanishing room too!

  2. We have started talking about days of the week too and what we do on different days. This sounds like alovely book. And I ADORE the carts. Especially the chalk drawing. Wow!

    So cute!

    Thank you for linking to Kids Get Crafty! As always, it is much appreciated!!


  3. Cookie's Week is one of my sixth grader's all-time favorite books. He read it over and over in second grade, and was just reminiscing about it last night!

    Chicken Spaghetti

  4. we LOVE this book in our house! I LOVE the drawings :) they are soo cute :)!!

  5. Thank you for sharing this book. I am going to have to find this book. The pictures are awesome. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Very creative to add personal touches to the story. Yes, you are right, my daughter would love to see the cat dress up as a princess. Too bad it never happened.

  7. They did so well drawing their own cats! Very impressive :)

  8. These are wonderful. Each one is so different and special.

  9. Hi!! Visiting and following from Storytime Under the Stars hop! I love, love, love this book - great way to teach little ones about the concept of time!!

  10. Hope you have a great weekend! :) Shauna from
