
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Max Disaster #1 – A Kid's Review

Review by Tintin, age 7

Max Disaster #1: Alien Eraser to the Rescue
Author/illustrator: Marissa Moss

Max Disaster is about a cool scientist kid who makes a lot of science stuff. I liked it because Max made lots of eraser people. My favorite part was when the alien eraser got stuck in the trash, and when he got out he said, "I'm free!" The worst part was when Max's parents unmarried each other. I would recommend this to kids who like to do science experiments.

More Max Disaster

Tintin's "Godzilla puff" experiment:

Tintin and Johnny Boo's eraser people:


  1. eraser people...very fun idea.

  2. What exactly is that Godzilla puff? A marshmallow? The eraser people are very interesting. Do they all have names?

  3. Yes, the Godzilla puff is a marshmallow. And I think they started to name the eraser people, but then they got hungry for marshmallows.

  4. Uh, struggling to understand... I only have girls :)
    Thanks for linking up at the Friday Blog Hop!
    We're following you now!

  5. I love the eraser people. My boys would love this!

  6. Oh my, often the simplest things are the most effective, no?

    Love them!

    Would love for you to hop over my way to my Wednesday Link Up Party Kid's Get Crafty and take part?

    Old & multiple posts welcomed!

    Red Ted Art

  7. "Thank you" for stopping by!! So pleased to have you join in Kids Get Crafty!!!

    See you again next week?

    Maggy, Red Ted Art
