
Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Reading Challenges

Here are the reading challenges Tintin, Johnny Boo and I are participating in this year:

The Read to Me – Picture Book Reading Challenge is hosted by There's a Book. We're entering this at the Growing level and will read 120 picture books together this year.

The 2011 Graphic Novels Challenge is hosted by Vasilly at Graphic Novels Challenge. We're entering this one at the Expert level and will be reading at least 10 graphic novels.

For the 2011 Goodreads Reading Challenge, I'll be reading 50 books, including adult books and children's chapter books.


  1. I look forward to seeing what your choices will be. This is my first time doing any challenges.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what your picture book choices will be for the Read-to-Me challenge -- I'm planning to read 120 picture books, as well.

    Now I'm wondering if I dare click on that Goodreads Challenge you've linked to. If I do all that reading, will I get any writing done?

    elizabethanne of elizabethannewrites

  3. I will be following your book choices. I think we have already reached that goal since the library just said I couldn't check anymore books out on my son's card because he had reached the 100 book limit. Good thing we have 3 cards! But there are always more books to read.

  4. You will be a busy reader in 2011. Enjoy!

  5. I am just terrible at reading challenges, otherwise I'd join the picturebooks one and the graphic novel one for sure! All three challenges look interesting - good luck and happy reading!

  6. You know, I've seen so many reading challenges built into 2011 new years resolutions and now, your awe-inspiring list of challenges. . . it makes me want to participate! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog from the comment challenge, I'll definitely visit back to see what your thoughts are on the choices.

  7. Those are some awesome challenges! I need to check out at least a couple of them.....I may have an unfair advantage on the picture book one, since I get paid to read to kids anyway. : ) Thanks so much for sharing...I am learning so much this month. I never knew there were so many awesome challenges that I would love!

  8. Just want to comment on the photo of the two brothers. I love pictures of my children or any family members reading together. Hey that sounds like a contest.

    ~ Lauri Chandler

  9. I found you through Mother Reader's comment challenge ( Such fun to find more challenges here. Thanks!

  10. Yay! So happy to have you on board! I'm excited to see what books you read throughout the year and what you think of them. It's going to be a fantastic year! Sorry for taking so long to get around to everyone, but I'm making it...slowly but surely. :o)
