
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Fantastic Mr. Wani

 Review by Tintin, age 7

The Fantastic Mr. Wani
Author/illustrator: Kanako Usui

Mr. Wani is about a crocodile who is invited to the froggies' home. He met some animals along the way and the animals helped him get to the party. He gets to the froggies' home and has a  thrilling  time. I liked this book because it's funny and  the pictures are beautiful. My favorite part is when Mr. Wani bumps into an elephant and there is smoke puffing out of his trunk. I would recommend this book to kids who like madcap books.

Editor's note: Both boys love this book and think it's hilarious. We've read it several times and each time we read about Mr. Wani bumping into the elephant's behind or acting as a sled for the penguins, there are many giggles. By the way, I've introduced the thesaurus to Tintin, in case you couldn't tell.

Here is Tintin's crocodile (or crocolator, actually), drawn the Ed Emberley way*:

* We used Ed Emberley's Big Green Drawing Book.


  1. This looks great. We love madcap books. I've never heard of it, so I hope we have it at the library.

  2. Hi TinTin,
    Thanks so much for reviewing The Fantastic Mr. Wani! We are so glad you enjoyed reading it and are happy that you are helping us spread the word. Tell your mom that we posted a link to your review on our facebook page.
    Happy Reading,
    Elizabeth Bennett
    tiger tales

  3. I don't mind reading about crocodiles, so long as they are friendly. Mr. Wani looks like a nice guy.

  4. This book looks like such fun. Love the gator.

    Thanks for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

  5. I've never heard of this title or the author! It looks like a fun, fun book, and it would be perfect for us right now since we just studied reptiles! :-)

    We really need to get a copy of that Ed Emberley book, too!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Read Aloud Thursday!

  6. I enjoy a good madcap book; I'll have to look for this one! Thanks for an excellent review.

    Ah, Ed many hours spent drawing with his books! I don't think I produced anything as cool as the crocolator, though.

  7. Thanks for the review Tintin. I just ordered this book from our library, on your recommendation, to read with my 7yo who loves mad cap books. We just finished reading The House on East 88th Street- also about a crocodile- you might like it.

  8. Catching up on neglected links after my family's sickest month on record! Thanks for linking up at Feed Me Books Friday!
    Love the use of the thesaurus! And we'll have to check and see if this is at our library - looks so fun!
