
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Down Girl and Sit, Tiny Goes to the Library, and the Dogs We Read Them To

The other day we went to the library (picture taken by Tintin):

And the boys read to Dasher and Major, dogs from the Heart of Texas Therapy group:

Review by Tintin, age 7, read to Dasher

Down Girl and Sit: On the Road
Author/illustrator: Lucy Nolan/Mike Reed

On the Road is about two dogs who go on adventures. They like to mess up things. I like this book because it's a little bit funny and it's a good adventure. My favorite part was when Here Kitty Kitty was stuck in a box at the veterinarian's office. When I was reading to Dasher I said "bone" wrong because I wanted to see if he would notice, but he didn't. I would recommend this book to kids who like dogs and dogs who like dog books.

Review by Johnny Boo, age 4, read to Major

Tiny Goes to the Library
Author/illustrator: Cari Meister/Rich Davis

Tiny Goes to the Library is about a dog named Tiny who follows where the boy goes. I liked it because it had a dog in it. My favorite part was when I read to Major. I would recommend this book to dogs and kids who like funny and silly books.

 We're linking up at Read-Aloud Thursday, Feed Me Books Friday, and the September I Can Read Carnival.


  1. Cute! I love it! Thanks for linking up to Read ALoud Thursday! I think this is the first time I've had a link in which the listeners were DOGS! :-)

  2. Thanks for contributing to the I Can Read Carnival! This is such a lovely idea.

  3. I am coming from Thanks, Mail Carrier! I am hosting a blog hop over at Sassy Sites! I would love to have you join us! Come by and say hi and meet LOTS of other great crafters! Your blog is way cute! Happy Friday! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  4. Your library looks lovely - is that a mural on the wall?

  5. I love this idea of kids reading aloud to dogs! I used to have a giant teddy bear in my junior high classroom, and even those boys would happily take their turn reading to the bear.

  6. Yes, it's a mural, right next to the door to the story time room.

  7. Thanks for linking up at Feed Me Books Friday! Great book picks for your k-9 friends! We were reading about a particularly smart and helpful dog recently, and my 4 year old announced, "we should get a dog like that!" Too bad you can't just pick them out that way!

  8. Thanks for linking up at Feed Me Books Friday! Great book picks for your k-9 friends! We were reading about a particularly smart and helpful dog recently, and my 4 year old announced, "we should get a dog like that!" Too bad you can't just pick them out that way!
