
Monday, September 13, 2010

Yam: Bite-Size Chunks – A Kid's Review

Review by Tintin, age 7

Yam: Bite-Size Chunks
Author/illustrator: Corey Barba

Yam is about a boy who has a friend named Marzipan Gato, and they're always together.* I liked Yam because it was funny and fiction and it was a good book. My favorite part was when Yam put his underwear down. I also liked when Yam turned into a flower. I would recommend this book to kids who like funny books without words.

*Editor's note: Except when they're not.

Tintin's Yam:

Corey Barba's Yam:




  1. Visiting from Book Lover's Blog Hop! I too have two boys, and I love that your review is from their point of view! Looking forward to reading more!

  2. great drawing

    I love a kids review from a kid I might have to have my oldest review her own books. :)

  3. Oh what a great drawing! Didnt he do well!!! :-)

    The books sounds fun.. mine will be growing into these soon, so your reviews will be a great resource!

    Thank you for linking up with Kids Get Crafty!!


  4. That's a hard cartoon character to draw and he did an excellent job. Your editor's note is hilarious.

  5. Great drawing! We're only just getting into wordless books (a bit hard to find it seems) but Princess loves them as she can make up her own stories :) We just borrowed one called "Leaf" which she really enjoyed.

  6. I love books without words. I can then make up my own story.

  7. My daughter is not warming up to wordless books - she wants to hear or read the story. I liked Tintin's Yam a lot. Thanks for joining WMCIR!

  8. I think it's wonderful that you guys have started a book blog! Right now I'm on the hunt to find 15 book blogs to award them the "One Lovely Blog Award" and I think you guys deserve it! This address: is where you can pick up the award! Just right click, save the image as, and add it to your blog! I hope you have a great day!

    XoXo~ Baylee ~

  9. I love your editor's note:) Another great review from your boys, and it sounds like a book my boys would like.

    Thank you for participating in the The Book Lovers‘ Blog Hop
    @ Story Time Under the Stars. I hope you will join up again this week, the linky goes live tonight around 10 p.m. EST.
